How Twitch Built the Global Live Streaming Network That Powers Amazon IVSby@amazonivs
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How Twitch Built the Global Live Streaming Network That Powers Amazon IVS

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Established brands and startups around the world are discovering the power of live interactive video – from RushTix and Codices, to DeNA, BeLive, GoPro, and beyond. Using Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), these innovative companies are transforming the future of ecommerce, fitness, user-generated content, and more by optimizing the live streaming experience for creators and audiences. A managed live streaming solution designed for developers to add live video and enable interactivity with video in their app or site without investing in streaming infrastructure, Amazon IVS was formally introduced in July 2020, but its development history traces much further back, with an origin shared with one of the world’s most widely used streaming platforms. At any given moment, more than 2.5 million viewers are tuned into Twitch, with the site averaging 31 million daily viewers. In 2021, more than 1.3 trillion minutes of live streamed video were watched on Twitch, a sizable bump from the more than 1 trillion minutes watched on the site in 2020 and 600 billion minutes watched in 2019. Using Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), these innovative companies are transforming the future of ecommerce, fitness, user-generated content, and more by optimizing the live streaming experience for creators and audiences. A managed live streaming solution designed for developers to add live video and enable interactivity with video in their app or site without investing in streaming infrastructure, Amazon IVS was formally introduced in July 2020, but its development history traces much further back, with an origin shared with one of the world’s most widely used streaming platforms.

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Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS)  HackerNoon profile picture
Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS)

Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS)


Easy low-latency live video streaming at scale.

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Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS)  HackerNoon profile picture
Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) @amazonivs
Easy low-latency live video streaming at scale.




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